Chantae McMillanStraight No Chaser PhotosVideos Chantae McMillan Rocks Booty Shorts & A Sports Bra By En Sabah Nur The Konqueror - June 20, 2020 0 1259 FacebookTwitterLinkedinEmailTumblrTelegramMixVKDigg Chantae McMillan show off her toned body wearing black shorts and sports bra. View this post on Instagram “You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there.”-Yogi . . #baseball #outdoors #chantaeshow #workout #2021 #abs #core #wall #womenempowerment #momworkout #momlife #track #trackandfield #olympian #train #run #athlete #squat #frontsquat #doyoubooboo #blessed #garagegym #lift #homeworkout #olympian A post shared by Chantae McMillan Langhorst✨ (@chan_taemac) on Apr 6, 2020 at 2:20pm PDT View this post on Instagram Hope you all had a great Easter weekend and made the best of the situation. Squat jumps were in my program and you can easily do them at home too, holding weights in your hands- or just your body weight- or band resistance… either way, stay motivated to move 🤍 . . . #squatjumps #olympian #trackandfield #momlife #garagegym #run #throw #strongmom #womenempowerment #doyoubooboo #chantaeshow #drinkwater #homeworkout #move #garageworkout A post shared by Chantae McMillan Langhorst✨ (@chan_taemac) on Apr 13, 2020 at 5:45am PDT