UCLA Study: Women Want Bad Boys To Knock Them Up, Nice Guys To Raise The Babies


Across all cultures, women deploy a dualistic sexual strategy: Coupling (simps) and Dual Mating (thugs/bad boys)

Coupling (simps), meaning the formation of a long-term ‘monogamous’ relationship with a provider, is necessitated by human infants requiring long years of high resource expenditure before they are independent.

Evidence indicates that for the purpose of Coupling (simps), women seek out men that display characteristics like ability to provide (simps), kindness and reliability. When selection is constrained, women will prioritize the ability to provide (simps).

Women will display Commitment Skepticism (shyt testing and comfort testing) with their Coupling partner (simps), requesting a variety of displays on his part (failed shyt tests) to gaurantee he’ll be willing to commit once they have coupled (and she’s likely pregnant). This is because a wrong investment on the woman’s part would prove disastrous for her, leaving her without her Coupling mate’s resources (simps).

Dual Mating (thugs/bad boys) is a strategy in which women seek to reproduce with men offering better genes (thugs/bad boys) than their Coupling partner (simps), while retaining the commitment (simps) of the Coupling partner

Women are specifically drawn to Dual Mating during the fertile phase of the ovulatory cycle, and women in long-term relationships display a larger attraction to Dual Mating than otherwise

For dual mating, women prefer men with the following (thugs/bad boys) characteristics: body and facial symmetry, facial masculinity (large jaw, prominent brow), dominance, deeper voice, physical size (in relation to their partner)

Evidence of Dual Mating is the adaptation to sperm competition (the relatively large-sized testes in men follow the pattern in other primates of larger testes = more sperm competition), the commonality of extrapair mating (cheating, with around 20% of women admitting to at least one lifetime instance), and the development of jealousy (which isnot ubiquitous among primates) in males, including to the point of violence
