Man Accused of Using iPad to Peep Up Model’s Skirt

Man caught on camera following woman and using his iPad to take pictures up her skirt as he bends down to pat her dog. A man has been caught on camera using his iPad to take photos up a woman’s skirt as he bends down to pat her dog. Fashion model Brittanie Weaver realised that a man, who followed her around pet shop Puppy and Me in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, was actually taking pictures up her dress while he pretended to be interested in her pet. When her suspicions were raised about the customer, she tried to write a note to the women at the shop counter before she alerted police of the suspected peeping Tom. They have since released security footage of the incident in an attempt to find him. As the man bent down to pat Ms Weaver’s dog, he had an iPad in his other hand. Ms Weaver said she became nervous when she realised that the man was not interested in her dog or the pets for sale.