@SofiaVergara shows off her body in the upcoming September 2012 issue of Allure Magazine magazine…You can check out some excerpts from the interview and some behind the scenes footage from her cover shoot with the magazine all after the jump.
“Nobody with real boobs usually has those measurements.”
On dropping below her ideal weight of 130 lbs:
“My ass gets smaller, and my boobs get smaller. I don’t mind when the boobs get smaller. I don’t like when the ass gets smaller. In Latin America, if you don’t have a big ass, you’re nothing.”
On being a natural blonde:
“If you see me without mascara, my eyelashes are completely blonde, I’m very, very fair-skinned.” Gesturing towards her waist, Vergara added, “I mean, this is completely blonde, It’s really weird. So now it matches a little more.”
On having a sexy attitude:
“The guys I know love it. You don’t have to win Miss Universe, but you have to feel attractive, and you have to feel wanted. I have so many friends that are Latin, and they’re not Miss Universe, but they have something, and they get more guys than the really tall, blonde, perfect model that is just standing there. So I think sexy is the attitude of you believing that you can get whatever you want.”