Strippers sound off after accused Denver pimp Germaine ‘Jell-O’ Wallace busted in Houston


HOUSTON — The women who live with and allegedly work for a man called “Jell-O” say he is not a pimp and they are not prostitutes.

Germaine “Jell-O” Wallace was captured by U.S. marshals in northwest Houston on Thursday. He was in a cab with four women at the time.

Authorities believe Wallace came here to avoid facing a Colorado judge on charges of sexual assault and pimping.

“We’re not doing anything wrong,” said Teresa Weeks, one of the women in the cab.

The women claim they’re just good friends who share a mansion in Colorado with Wallace and often travel together.

They call themselves exotic dancers and said the money they made was legal.

“We like our lives,” said Amber Wilson. “We want to maintain our lives. That’s all we were trying to do is make money to maintain the way that we lived before this happened.”

The women said they now work at various strip clubs in Houston.

“We treat it like a 9 to 5,” said Kara Laughead. “No funny business. We go in, we work. We make money.”

Now the women are supporting an online petition that they hope will make Wallace a free man.

“I could see it if he was guilty but he’s an innocent man,” added Weeks.

On Thursday, a handcuffed Wallace blamed the women for his arrest.

“You all know I’m innocent of these charges. The girls that did this, you’re bogus. You know you’re wrong for lying,” Wallace said.

Authorities said Wallace was living the high life in Denver, living in a mansion and driving fancy cars. They believe he came to Houston to provide prostitution services to attendees at an upcoming convention.

“We didn’t want that here,” said Deputy U.S. Marshal Cameron Welch, who worked the case along with other members of the Gulf Coast Violent Offender Task Force. “The key factor in this deal was looking for those girls. We knew if we found them they would lead back to him.”

Wallace is expected to be extradited back to Colorado in the coming weeks.


All them hoes looked like they got smacked around, Jell-o got a mean pimp game..#FreeJell-o.