Middle School Teacher Is Placed On Leave After Students Discover Her Porn Past [NSFW]


Daily Mail – A teacher has been suspended from her job after she was allegedly discovered starring in a ‘hardcore pornography’ by students at her school. Stacie Halas, 31, who teaches science at Richard B Haydock Intermediate School in Oxnard, California, but has been put on paid administrative leave while officials decide her fate. Officials at the school sent a letter out to parents telling them to monitor their child’s internet usage and they were urged at school not to search porn sites for videos which may star the teacher. Though it has not been confirmed, Jeff Chancer, Oxnard School District superintendent, said that an office worker at the school believes the teacher is the one seen in the videos. He said: ‘Maybe it’s not a crime as far as the penal code is concerned, but we feel it’s a crime as far as moral turpitude is concerned.’ The letter to parents stated: ‘It has been alleged that one of our teachers is depicted in at least one pornographic video and possibly others on the Internet. ‘We are asking teachers to discourage the children from searching for and/or visiting these inappropriate sites. ‘We ask that you be particularly vigilant over the next few days with respect to the Internet content being accessed by your child on his or her telephone or other Internet-ready device. Halas calls herself Tiffany Six on the porn websites.

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