Man Arrested After Calling The Police To Complain About Prostitute’s Bad Service!


Berlin Borough police charged three people with prostitution.

Jerry Eugene Streng, 63, Broadview Lane, Berlin, was charged with patronizing prostitutes for hiring two females to engage in sexual activity with him for $400 on Sunday, according to a criminal complaint. Jacqueline Joy Eubanks, 50, 5th Avenue, Berlin, and Tonia M. Good, 34, Main Street, Berlin, were charged with prostitution and related offenses.

Streng called 911 and reported a robbery. Streng told police that he brought two women to his home for “smoking smoke” and engaging in sex. The agreement was that he was to be in the middle of the two women while the three of them engaged in sexual activity. According to an affidavit, the two women starting smoking the “smoke” and engaged in sexual activity with each other. They put him on the end and not the middle.

The officer told him that he was under arrest. A few hours later he called the officer again and said that one of the women who “robbed” him the night before was at his residence. When the officer arrived, the womanwas naked and was running bath water. She dressed and told the officer that she didn’t take any money. She said the other woman took the money. She said Streng paid her $100 to be at the residence that night.

On Sunday Good also called 911 to report a theft of money. She told police that Eubanks did not give her the money that they earned from Streng.

Charges were filed Thursday with District Judge Douglas McCall Bell of Meyersdale. Streng, Eubanks and Good are being sent summons for preliminary hearings to be scheduled before Bell.
