Lindsay Lohan Covers Maxim Magazine


@lindsaylohan covers the January 2012 issue of Maxim Australia..You can read some excerpts below.

Hangover free: Lindsay was offered Heather Graham’s role in The Hangover but turned it down. Damn, we really wanted to see her pretending to breastfeed.

In good company: According to the Hollywood hottie, “Being an actress is lonely, and I never want to be alone. I hate sleeping alone.” Best argument in favour of buying a ticket to LA. Ever.

Confidence player: Reckon Lindsay looks scorching in this shoot? No surprise, really, as she once said: “I think I’m more sexual than my friends – more comfortable in my skin. I’m a sexual person, definitely.”

Hot Rod: Current girl crush? OK, she never admitted to being attracted to Machete co-star Michelle Rodriguez but she did tell us, “I love Michelle – she’s so talented and kick-arse!”